The story of success

In a world slowly being choked by plastic we bring a breath of fresh air to the reusable bag market in the form of environmentally responsible alternative materials that provide the perfect 100% bio degradable bag solution for any application.

Sonal Intl is extremely passionate about bringing environmentally responsible products to market. The expertise and the manpower acquired by the company through decades of experience produced an excellence in quality and output volumes which could not be equalled by other manufacturers.

Our quality jute bags are manufactured in Kolkata, India – known as the city of joy. They are made from natural fibres and being 100% bio degradable, are truly environmentally friendly. Our facility is India’s leading manufacturer & exporter of high end jute bags. Our range of Jute Bags are already being exported to Europe, USA, Africa and making a huge impact in global retail market. Our long term goal is to take our environmentally responsible bags to as many countries as possible. The factory location in Kolkata is extremely well positioned for international logistics with adequate access to road, air and sea shipping facilities.


The firm has a simple philosophy which guides its activities: respect for nature and mankind. This finds expression in everything the firm does: from the purchase of raw materials to the packing of the finished products. Each stage is carefully monitored to ensure that we remain ‘eco-friendly’.


The company, with its strong pillars in the form of Mr. Satish Singh is all set to expand the businesss across the globe. With 2 manufacturing units in the Jute-hub city of India, we also have in-house printing unit for customized requirements from all across the world.

From Director's Desk

“It feels to great to be in a business that not only satisfies the creative bug by producing world-class jute bags, it also gives a sense of pride by helping the mother nature retain its charisma. We strive to work harder to make Jute and Jute products a part of daily life of each individuals, resulting in better perseverance of nature.”

Mr. Satish Singh, Director

2A, Shib Krishna Daw Lane. Kolkata - 700 007, India.

+91 99030 75735